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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Plaosan Temple-Klaten

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Plaosan is Buddhist temple, is attested by the presence of the peak of the Buddhist stupa statue and accompanying temple stupa, Plaosan located 1 kilometer from Prambanan Temple in Yogyakarta, precisely in Bugisan village, Klaten regency, Central Java. The temple complex was built in the 9th century by the king Rakai Pikatan and sri Kahulunan of ancient Mataram kingdom to the queen named pramudyawardani. The temple consists of Plaosan northern and southern Plaosan. Plaosan as a whole comprises 50 temples and 116 ancillary ancillary stupas can be seen in their entirety from the main temple and there is also vigur Vajrapani, Amitbha and Prajnaparamitha. Part of this temple reliefs have a unique picture of men and women, there is a man sitting cross-legged with hands to worship and vigur man with vara mudra hand and foot vase surrounded by six smaller man while a woman is depicted standing with vara mudra hand, the surrounding there are books, pallets and vases and these men and women argue that it is a picture of the two temples patron supporter.

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